Exercise You’ll Love: How To Choose Fitness In Accordance With Your Properties

Although we all know that exercise is important for health, many of us find it difficult to stick to a regular daily plan. We can help you to overcome this problem and to find the right fitness program for yourself!

When you ask most people what would they like to do in order to feel better, often in response you hear “exercise regularly.” But many people find it very difficult to stick to a regular daily plan.


Maybe you’re making a mistake by choosing a form of exercise on the basis of:

  1. a) what your friend recommended to you,
  2. b) what change in your body you want to see, or
  3. c) the most popular form of exercise.

Consideration of these factors can be very useful, but in the end, there is a greater likelihood that you will stick to an exercise plan that suits your nature, but also your schedule.

What you need to know about yourself?

Ask yourself these questions, and when finished, think about what kind of exercise might suit you:

  1. Are you a morning person or a night kind of person?
  2. Would you like to spend more time in nature?
  3. Would you like to spend more time alone, with friends or to have more time to meet new


  1. Whether you motivate the competition?
  2. Do you enjoy in loud music?
  3. Do you do a better job with some semblance of responsibility, or not?
  4. Would you like to exercise makes challenges to you?
  5. Do you love sports and games?
  6. Would you like more free time for meditation, watching TV or reading the newspaper?
  7. Do you plan your time well?
  8. Are you sensitive to weather conditions?

These answers will make you start thinking about exercise.

Here are a few suggestions


If you are a morning person who yearns for solitude, and time spent with your thoughts, but has a little control over your schedule, and hates to have a sense of responsibility towards anyone, you will perhaps enjoy a walk through the park every morning while you go to work. You may think about morning shower with cold water or stretching of the body as a form of exercise. If you are a night person who likes music and meeting new people and also love the responsibility, you might want to go to dance classes after work. Also, you may consider any kind of team sports that includes socializing and fun, like badminton or beach volleyball.

It is important to identify the problem. The best way to achieve this is to find out all aspects of your nature. Then, your schedule will become easier, you will find a way to keep your exercise plan, and, what is most important, the exercise will become something to look forward.

Diet and Fitness Secrets Of Marilyn Monroe

She is the biggest sex bomb of the 20th century and the woman who symbolizes the classic beauty and glamor! Here are her tricks …

Magazine “Pageant” back in 1952, published an interview in which Marilyn revealed a number of things about her private life. Among other things, it was a great opportunity for everyone to know how the most desirable woman of her time cherishes its beauty.

“Honestly, I never thought that my figure is exceptional. Until recently, I hardly even thought about it. My single and the greatest concern was to eat enough. Now I have a worry that I do not eat too much. I’ve never been bothered about exercise. Now I spend at least 10 minutes every morning practicing with small weights. I developed own exercises for the muscles I want to tighten, and I know that they suit me because I can feel my muscles working while the corresponding practice.”, said Marilyn.

The actress revealed her simple routine to tighten the chest, which she performed every day, as soon as wakes up. It is a practice lifting weights of 2 kilograms of positions open arms, so long as they do not come directly overhead. Marilyn this repeated 15 times, a slow pace. Then she repeated the exercise, but in the reverse direction.

Another exercise is to circulate the hands that are at 45 degrees from the floor, also with weights.

“I’ve never liked sports that play out, and I have no desire to improve my tennis, swimming and golf. I’ll leave these things to men. Although it is very modern in California, I do not think that tanned skin is attractive, and even healthier than white. Personally I am not for a dark complexion, because I like to feel like a blonde all over my body, “she told us.

Marilyn has emphasized the importance of sleep, so she tried so hard to get enough sleep. If she sometimes denied herself an hour, she ensured to compensate it tomorrow.

“Depending on the obligations, I sleep between five and ten hours every night. I sleep in the big bed, and cover only a single blanket in summer and winter. I cannot stand pajamas or nightgown, they spoil my dream,” revealed the cult actress.

When the food comes, Marilyn clung protein diets, and some of her habits acted somewhat bizarre to the many. The breakfast which she described as “Perfect for all working girl”, consisted of hot milk with two scrambled eggs. This drink she combined with vitamin tablets. For dinner she usually prepared roasted meat with fresh carrots.

This diet allowed her not to give up completely of hers “sweet sins” and without remorse enjoys ice cream.

“I’m sure I could not allow myself to this pleasure that my daily diet does not consist entirely of protein,” concluded Merlin Monroe.

Nine Common Reasons Why Your Metabolism Is Slowed Down

The solution to this problem is very simple, you should have a meal every three to four hours. It means that you need to have five meals a day: breakfast, brunch, lunch, brunch, dinner, and brunch again. Before each meal, drink two glasses of water to reduce appetite.


To avoid slowing down your metabolism you need to eat properly. These are the most common reasons for a slowing metabolism:

  1. Too much reduced intake of calories

You have decided to lose weight and you reduce caloric intake. Be sure you are not starving! Too much reduced number of calories does exactly the opposite – slowing metabolism. In addition, the body starts to use muscle tissue as well as its energy.

The solution is simple, you have to eat every three to four hours. Before each meal drink two glasses of water to reduce appetite.

  1. Lack of caffeine

Do not intake caffeine only through coffee. The green tea is a healthier source of caffeine than coffee, and it can become your new habit. Caffeine speeds up the metabolism of about 15 percent.

  1. Lack of protein

Proteins build muscles. In addition, they excellent activate metabolism. So, make sure that your diet is rich in proteins.

  1. Lack of fiber

Daily intake of fiber can reduce the weight from 5 to 7 percent. Eat plenty of dark green vegetables and foods from whole grains, such as integral bread, bagel or bun.

  1. Lack of calcium

More often consume the food that is rich in calcium. These include cheese, milk, broccoli, kale, figs and almond. Calcium is especially important for women, especially for those of reproductive age.

  1. Water temperature

Interestingly, enough cold water actually slows metabolism. If you’re wondering why, it is because the body uses more energy to heat water. So, avoid drinking cold water.

  1. Vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin has a direct effect on the exchange of materials, i.e. nutritive particles. Salmon, eggs, trout and mackerel are natural and healthy sources of vitamin D. Also, very few people know that sunbathing is one way of entries of vitamin D.

  1. Iron deficiency

Iron has a very important significance at the combustion of fat, as it is associated with the delivery of oxygen to the muscles in which the majority of fat burned. Iron can be taken with the help of tablets or ampoules, but in a natural way, it can be taken by eating meat, green vegetables, oatmeal, brown rice etc. When a source of iron in the body increase, it will automatically increase the metabolism.

  1. Drinking alcohol

When the alcohol is in the body, the body first uses the calories from alcohol, and that is something you really do not need. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, and even a delicious cocktail while you’re on a diet, if you want to speed up your metabolism.

Coach Advices: What To Eat Before Training?

Generally, there are two approaches to nutrition before training or any other physical activity.

The conventional approach

The conventional approach looks at nutrition – pre-workout meal – as a source of fuel (energy) for physical activity, and thus as a stimulant maximum performance. Seen from this perspective, in relation to the type of physical activity, it makes sense to use different types of food i.e. fuel in the pre-workout meal. That includes carbohydrates, and fats, and proteins.

However, the most common advice is to take your carbohydrates as “quick energy”. The problem that comes with this approach, especially when it comes to high-glycemic meal (meal with carbohydrates), is preventing the discharge of primary fuel reserves (glycogen). In this way, spending of body fat is slowed, as the ability to use fuels. Also, it comes to jeopardizing insulin sensitivity. All of these factors can be seen as closely related to the overall health of the human body.

On the other hand, the positive effects that specific foods entered prior training may have, should be sought in stimulating fat uptake and utilization degree of energy, as well as in stimulating effect on the nervous-muscular system, which can then effectively operate in training. This specific food primarily includes coffee, tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and cocoa, as well as specific micronutrients from the aforementioned and similar foods that can be taken as a supplement.

However, when the primary objective in any physical activity is external result (as in professional sports), not internal (primarily health effects), then you should seriously consider introducing energy meal before training or competition, which of course would not burden the digestive system of food and would provide the necessary energy nutrients without excessive glycemic effect.

What about the recreational population?

On the other hand, when it comes to the recreational population, there is not much reason for such access. It is better to use a specific stimulating food (previously mentioned), or do not give special significance to meal before training and exercise in a neutral state (energy reserves are not completed, but they are not discharged, too). And there is one more solution. You can also choose the more extreme option, and that is the exercise in the fasting state (rather depleted energy reserves). Here is primarily related to the situation when the body is without food a long time before training. Although this approach can reduce performance in training, health effects overcome these shortcomings.

Finally, we must accept the fact that we are talking about two very different and often conflicting concepts. On the one hand, we have diet adapted to maximum performance in exercise and sports, and on the other hand, we have a diet adapted to optimal functioning of the body. Which of these is right approach depends on which category you belong – whether you exercise professionally or recreationally.

The Main Mistake In E-mail Marketing

You can think about it whatever you want, but Email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of Internet marketing, although the public perception of it is completely wrong. Most people who are in this business think that email marketing is something outdated, that today everything happens on social networks, and that emails are only sent to some old-fashioned organizations that have not yet learned to use social networks.

In practice, a huge number of successful and modern business today rest primarily on email marketing. There are people who earn millions of dollars a year and who do not even have a website – they only have a mailing list led by the principles which we will consider in this article.

People generally do not like salespeople and messages that are selling something. If you think that it is enough that you have written “discount” – is not. The problem still remains – you are constantly looking for people to buy something from you, and it is perceived as boring, shoddy, and repulsive.

If you go this route, here is a story about email marketing ends. Most people will quickly unsubscribe from your mailing list or put you in Spam. Yes, you’ll be selling something small, but it is a short range. You can try to drag more people on your list, so that new people bomb invitation for purchase, but as time went on, there will be fewer new people to sign up to your list. Most people will be those who have already experienced your annoyance, and that will not re-register to receive e-mails from you.

What is the point? Instead to offer something to sell, it would be far better to resolve some problem that is related with industry niche. This is definitely the most effective way of keeping people on your email list.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a natural substance in the human body, especially in muscles. The body can produce it by itself, but it can also be introduced into the body by the food. It is the one of the most popular supplements for bodybuilding and this is not without reason.

How and when to take creatine?


Creatine is usually taken in two phases called “loading phase” and “maintenance phase”. Loading phase usually lasts about a week and in this phase, you have to take about 15-20g a day in a couple of doses. Later, in maintenance phase, you have to take about 5-10 grams per day. Although the loading phase is not necessary, it provides faster achievement of results.

The ideal time to take creatine is half an hour before training and immediately after training. It is recommended to take a dose of 5 grams. If you do not want to take it before and after training, then you take it later rather than before training, because it is more effective.

Creatine is more effective when it is taken with carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (sugar). Therefore, drink it with juice instead of water. If you want to be even more efficient, take it with glucose.

Most people take creatine from 1 to 3 months and then make a break of several weeks.

The benefits and efficiency of creatine

Creatine is one of the supplements whose effectiveness to increase performance in a variety of athletes has been proved by many scientific studies.

It affects the maximum power during exercise. One research, which included 22 studies, has shown that creatine increases performance in weightlifting for 14%. The performance of the “bench press” exercises were even better – from 3 to 45%.

Creatine does not affect all people equally. As you can see, some people have profited for only 3% of supplementation, while some benefited by as much as 45%. This is because some people have naturally high creatine stores in muscles, and creatine does not help them in such a great extent.

Although this increase in strength results in greater gains in muscle mass, it is very important to say that creatine preserves muscle mass in people who are sick and cannot move much, as many studies show.

Is it dangerous to take it after prolonged use?

Creatine is pretty much safe substance. Athletes use it in amounts of up to 20 grams per day in the filling phase and thereafter 10g a day for months without any bad effects. One study investigated the harmful effects of creatine on the kidneys and liver, and showed that respondents do not have bad consequences, even after 5 years of use. So, make sure that you take creatine with enough fluids and do not worry about the rest.

Please note that most of the studies have been done on creatine monohydrate and therefore we recommend that form of creatine.

Training For The Fight Against Cellulite

This five-minute workout is designed to shape the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, but without any pressure on the joints. This training will activate the muscles of the abdomen, back and thighs.

You have to perform this training for 4 to 5 times a week. Do 10 slow reps and for faster results do 2 sets of each exercise and add 30 minutes of aerobic activity the more days a week.

The 1st exercise

Lie on your back with the buttocks against the wall and hands along the body. Bend your knees with feet against the wall. Raise your torso and shoulders hold on to the floor. Take a deep breath, then slowly exhale and return to the starting position.

For faster results place the right ankle over left knee so that only left foot is on the wall.

If this is too difficult for you, do not use the wall, but do the classic bridge.

The 2nd exercise

Lie on your back. With legs against the wall and feet facing the ceiling, slowly lower your left leg to the side, than turn it back to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg. Continue to alternate sides until you do 10 repetitions with each leg.

For faster results put the rubber bands around your left foot. Hold both ends while doing the exercise.

Repeat with the other leg.

The 3hd exercise

Lie on the floor. Let heels touch the wall and your legs keep straight. Raise your right hand to the left foot and slightly lift your shoulders off the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other side.

For faster results, attract heels to yourself while lifting the hull.

If this is too hard, touch the knee with your hands, rather than feet.

Exercise number 4

Close your buttocks all the way to the wall. Bend your knees and lean your feet on the wall. Lift the hips, elbows flat on the floor and put your hands on the hips to support the lower body. Walk along the wall until your legs are not straight. This is the starting position.

Lift the left leg over your head, both feet should remain flat. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg.

For faster results, raise and lower your leg 2 or 3 times before you put it back on the wall.

If this is too difficult, move the buttocks and hips from the wall.

The 5th exercise

Lie on your back. With buttocks against the wall, bend your knees and place your feet on the wall. Lift the buttocks and back from the floor. Place your right ankle over left knee. Lift up and down the wall for 20 times. Do not move the other parts of the body. Lower your body and repeat the same with the left side.

For faster results raise and lower your hips a few inches while you performing exercise.

If this is too difficult, do not lift the buttocks off the floor.

How To Alleviate Muscle Pain After Exercise?

Every time when you exercise, small scars will be created on your muscles, which are actually the main cause of pain. Once your body recovers from the scars, you become stronger, faster and slimmer. However, if you excessively stretch and strain the muscles, you will destroy the natural process of recovery of muscle tissue.

Unfortunately, most people who exercise regularly, do not know how to stimulate the natural process of recovery of muscles. When you are not devote to your muscles as it should be, even a small injury can be a problem.

How you can recognize if your muscles need further attention or not? Typically, the pain will be sharp and intensive, and localized to a specific area. Here are a few tips that will help you to alleviate muscle pain and speed up their recovery.

Lift the muscles; put a compression bandage and a cold compress


The sooner you pick up the muscles above the level of your heart and put a compression bandage and a cold compress, the better. All this will help in reducing of inflammation. Hold a cold compress every hour for 15 minutes next 24 hours. Continue lifting the muscles above the level of the heart to speed up recovery. Wait at least a week before you stop with these procedures.

Do not take pain medication

If nothing else, these pains can be safely handled. Painkillers will not help. They will undermine the natural process of recovery of muscles, their regeneration and growth. If you are already taking pain medication, always follow the instructions on the label.

Pay attention to bruises

If you’ve noticed a bruise on the part of the body where you feel the pain, then you should consider it relatively serious. Bruises occur when the muscle tissue is so damaged that it is bleeding inside. This is a sure indication that you should seek for medical help. Also, if the damage was deeper in the muscle tissue, it may take up to several days to notice a bruise on the skin surface.

Do not stretch yourself

Stretching of the injured muscle will only cause further damage and make things worse. First, give the muscles time to recover, and then stretch yourself.

Slow down

Depending on how much damage is serious, you may need to make a break for several days or weeks and in that time to rest. Never continue with an exercise program in the moments when you feel intense pain in the muscles. Muscles should never hurt. If they hurt, you should stop exercising for a while, or at least reduce the intensity of exercise.

Think about what went wrong

As long as muscle pains are not the result of a fall or blow, you’ll need to discover what the cause is. This means that muscles are not equally developed and strong. For example, runners often feel pain in the area of ​​the back of the leg because the buttocks are not sufficiently developed.

No matter how you exercise, you need to develop all the muscles.

Exercise And Bone Health

Most people are informed about various benefits of exercise, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and obesity prevention. However, there are still a number of people who are not familiar with the importance of regular exercise for building and maintaining healthy bones.

Aging bones can become very weak and fragile. This condition is called osteoporosis. It often occurs in women after menopause, but also in men of older age. Osteoporosis means a weakening of the bones and increased risk of fractures, which can severely limit mobility.

Exercising at a young age is important because of the prevention of health problems of the skeletal system, while exercising in old age is important for maintaining bone health. Bones are live tissue, which means that they react under the pressure. When you exercise regularly, bones build more cells and become denser.

Another benefit of exercise is that it improves balance and coordination. This becomes especially important in the third age as it helps in the prevention of falls and fractures.

Exercises for strong bones

There are many different types of exercises, and they all provide the health benefits. The most effective exercises are the exercises of power and those that encourage you to carry your own weight. Examples of such exercises are brisk walking and hiking, jogging or running, skipping rope, tennis, team sports, such as football and basketball, and climbing stairs.

Running and jumping rope, for example, increase the weight that your bones have to carry. Therefore, people in poor condition or those with impaired bones, should consult an expert before they start daily exercise.

During strength training, muscles and bones are under additional pressure, which is the reason because why they eventually become stronger. The most common strength training is lifting weights and doing exercises that use body weight, such as push-ups. Although strength training is usually performed to increase muscle mass, it have a great effect on increasing bone mass.

Other forms of exercise

Exercises such as yoga are not effective in strengthening bones, but provide significant flexibility and improve balance and coordination of body. Swimming and cycling, for example, do not increase bone mass, but they are good exercise for strengthening the heart. These exercises are a good alternative for people suffering from diseases (like arthritis) for which they cannot do strength exercises.

Basic guidelines

An effective exercise program for better bone health includes 30 minutes of exercise daily or at least 4 days a week. To stay motivated, choose an activity that you like the most. There is a whole range of activities, so choosing your favorite should not be a big problem. A brisk walk of 10 minutes 3 times a day is an excellent way to get start with exercise for better bone health.

If you want to maximize the benefits of exercise, you need to add flexibility exercises and balance in your program. Increasing of flexibility improves the ability to move and may help in the prevention of injuries.

BCAA- Amino Acids For The Gym

In this article, we will list all the advantages and disadvantages of BCAA supplementation and try to figure out whether they are worth taking.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. For the muscles are particularly important 3 amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are usually found in BCAA supplements. Sometimes we can find glutamine also.

Efficiency – are they worth buying?

Amino acids are undoubtedly effective supplement for bodybuilding. They help in faster muscle recovery and reduce or defer muscle inflammation.

Entering amino acids is also beneficial to the growth of muscle if you exercise regularly.

However, many people do not know that the amino acids are found in all animal proteins, as well as in whey protein. They are found in certain vegetables, but animal sources are better.

If the amino acids are found in the whey, you are probably wondering why to take it if you are already taking whey?

If you’re not in bodybuilding career, but you simply want to look better through fitness, BCAA supplement is unprofitable in comparison with whey protein. If whey contains amino acids, and so much cheaper too, why spend the extra money?

Then, why all BCAA supplements do exist?

Supplements industry is huge and does not need a reason to earn a penny more. There are a lot of bad supplements that are sold thanks to good marketing.

There are some benefits of BCAA compared to ordinary whey protein, but they are very limited and the most questionable. The advantages are that it does not require digestion in the stomach and comes quickly into the bloodstream. It also has fewer calories than whey, because it contains only three basic amino acids of the muscles: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These two facts can be useful only if you train on an empty stomach in order to remove fat and retain muscle mass or if you have digestive problems that might prevent the use of whey. Taking whey in the middle of a hard workout may cause indigestion because the digestive system is “turned off” in long-term efforts.


If we are talking about BCAA as a supplement, we can say that they are effective in preserving muscle, faster recovery and in reducing damage to the muscles after exercise. But if we note that the whey protein contains amino acids, and it is much cheaper, then we can say that amino acids are not as cost-effective supplement.

The only case in which is recommended BCAA are extreme and very long training sessions when you have to take amino acids if you want to keep your muscle mass without substantial calorie intake.

Still, if you do decide to take the amino acids, the best time of taking them is before or during training. It should be taken from 10 to 20 grams. They can be purchased in tablet or powder. The powder is cheaper but it has a rather bad taste and does not dissolve very well in water.