Mobile Video Marketing Really Works

You don’t have to change your entire marketing strategy in order to adapt to the growth of mobile video advertising.  Make these simple changes and you will be set to take on these changes in the marketplace in stride.

Before we continue, we just have to say that it is not the secret that the role of the mobile devices, including mobile phones, tablets and laptops will be more present in our lives in the future. This is something that is already happening and we can see it almost in every situation. In addition, the number of regular users of these devices is also increasing, making it almost ideal for the promotional purposes. These people are like some kind of an army of potential customers of your product or service, who are just waiting to be contacted.

When we use traditional ways of advertising, we need that people be in certain places and to perform certain things. For example, if you have paid ad in the local press, then your ad have to be seen by readers. The same thing is with billboards and other ways of promotion.

On the other hand, if you use mobile marketing, you can reach your potential clients without any restrictions. They can read your ad when they are in the bus, or when they are walking their dogs. It just doesn’t matter. Exactly this is the reason why this approach is so powerful and effective.

Of course, there are many mobile advertising approaches and you can use, but we think you should start with video mobile method. It is proven that gives the best results and that it can provide you to reach your goals in the shortest period.  People just react better on videos than on the plain text or pictures. This is proved by many research. So, if you want to increase your chances for success, you should enrich your mobile advertisings strategy with some quality videos.

Why Should We Exercise?

Why to get tired after practicing? Who has time to walk? Do you know what regular exercise can do for your health?

The benefits of physical activity are much greater than you think. If there is a pill with so many beneficial effects as any regular exercise, all the people would take that pill. Here are some benefits of regular exercise or any other physical activity:

Reduces cholesterol

Over time, the level of bad LDL cholesterol increases, and levels of good HDL cholesterol decreases. In this way, the heart and blood vessels are less protected than before, and creates fertile ground for the development of heart disease. Increased cholesterol is accumulated on the inside of the blood vessels and leads to their narrowing, i.e., atherosclerosis. The best way to increase the good cholesterol is to exercise and to reduce bad cholesterol, eat low in saturated animal fats.

Lowers triglycerides

Triglycerides are a type of fat that indicates the progression of atherosclerosis. It was found that in people who train HDL (good cholesterol) is higher, and triglyceride levels lower than in people who do not train.

Lower risk for high blood pressure

As the blood pressure increases, the risk for heart attack and stroke increases. Unfortunately, with aging blood pressure usually rises. In people who are physically active, blood pressure is better regulated, even in old age.

Healthier blood vessels

Many blood vessels are elastic, to be able to expand when the increased need for blood and oxygen, and the subsequent costly. Smoking, cholesterol accumulation decrease with aging the elasticity of blood vessels, which increases the risk of developing heart disease. Regular exercise can prevent all this.

Reduces the risk of colon cancer

Colon cancer is increasingly spreading among men and has already become one of the leading cancers. It is believed that 80% of cases of this disease could be prevented. In addition, a diet rich in plant fiber and physical activity are considered to be the most important changes in lifestyle that reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30-40%.

Stronger bones

Over time, bone density is reduced, which increases the risk for fractures. Research shows that heavy physical activity in men at age of 40 to 60 significantly reducing the risk for hip fracture.

Regulation of body weight

If you reduce body weight by 10% and get proper exercise, the chances that you will again get back the weight are much less than in people who are physically inactive. Physical activity is not just training, running, swimming, weightlifting, but all the physical activities that are in the house, yard, garden, orchard, field. Certainly, aerobic activity is most effective in accelerating the metabolism and burning calories.

Short History Of Tai Chi- Part Two

Posture of the body always reflects the mental and emotional state of man. As a consequence of physical exercise and integral support of tai chi in the creation of the state of self-awareness is achieved the correct structural arrangement. The basic requirement in tai chi is continuous and conscious attitude of adjustment of the body, until it is re-gained natural structural consistency, which is a result of the force of the Earth and the cosmos in the human body. In this way, a correct circulation of this energy has a regenerative effect on the nervous system, which leads to mental and physical balance and peace. It is also reflected in improved mental and emotional structure.


The practitioner can experience the increasing of the mental abilities, powers of concentration, focus attention, coordination, memory. Self-awareness of the body is also present here. At that level, tai chi is a skill, which can be mastered only after we adopt the form, the body of Tai Chi. With 15-30 minutes of daily exercising we can achieve this level after one year.

-The second goal, and the level of exercise requires more investment in the physical or the mental plane. Through light and circular movements, relaxed abdominal breathing and focus of the mind, we can awaken and balance the energy of the body.

It establishing peace and harmony in the body and mind. A man acquires consciousness of his body and energies in and around him. Constant awareness of it activates life energy. One gets the power and strength that occurs when the mind and body are together and when it leads to the focus on a single point. This level cannot be achieved without deeper understanding of the philosophical basis of tai chi and without knowing and practicing similar techniques, dealing with the laws of development and the movement of energy.

The internal structure of tai chi leads us to the proper absorption, transformation and circulation of three powers: the energy of the earth, the cosmos and the universe. Their proper absorption and application in daily activities are the source of life, health and vitality. Overcoming this level provides us to act in the most abnormal situations instantly and correctly, to gain awareness and maintain “power” over the circumstances of our own life, a bright spirit, harmony, peace and longevity.

Short History Of Tai Chi- Part One

The emergence of the system of exercises Tai Chi Chuan is a part of the legend. The oldest data leads us somewhere to 2700 years BC, in the period of Huang Tia – “Yellow Emperor”, who is known to be practicing system of exercises Tao Jin, which is predecessor of today’s Tai Chi Chuan.

In the third century, doctor Juan This has created a system of exercises called “movements of five animals” which later became the basis of the Tai chi movements of animals (bear, monkey, tiger, deer and a crane). However, the most important impact was made by the teacher Ta Mo, who in sixth century invented methods of fighting known as Shao Lin.

Several hundred years later, the great Taoist master Chang San-feng, based on the ancient knowledge and wisdom, which reigned as the Ying, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, created a system of exercising called Tai Chi Chuan. He is the founder of Chen forms and styles from which later developed the Yang, Wu and Sun style.

Of course, these are some basic styles that are still active, and forms and variations as many as there are pupils, or even teachers. Today, the most popular form of Jang can be found in three main versions (short of the 24 movements, the average of 48, and a ultimate of 88 movements.)- Chen, Wu and Sun styles. In 1956 National Chinese Sports Association, headed by prof. Xia Bai Hua, created a modern athletic shape that represents a synthesis of the four most popular styles. Modern style if formed of 42 movements and it is practiced and scored as a competitive form in all international competitions.

The objectives of the exercise can be set on three levels:

-The first goal and the level of exercise is the prevention and treatment of the physical body. Mild and nonaggressive engages all the muscles, “lubricated”, limbers and strengthens tendons, ligaments and joints. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, relieves stress and diseases of the spine, increase flexibility, deepens breathing, improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart and balances the work of glands with internal secretion. Through mild internal and external movements, it stimulates internal organs. It provides the improvement and preservation of health, increasing physical condition, relieves fatigue and tension of the whole body.

Many of these positive effects are achieved after a few months of practicing tai chi forms. At this level, one of the most obvious benefits is improved attitudes of the body.

Is There Something Like Ideal Weight?- Part Two

Dr. Flegal and colleagues recognized that some studies that have been included in the report rely on uncertain information that people give about their height and weight, which could result in inadequate BMI-operation, and thus on the end result. Also, the noted that their study does not include data on other diseases, mortality from any specific cause of any material body (or exactly how fat is distributed on the body).

In an accompanying editorial in the study, they asked a provocative question: “Is the concern about excessive weight, as it is currently defined, was groundless?” Commenting on this study, Professor Paul Campus , in an article in the New York Times said that “what we now consider” to be normal or ideal body weight “actually makes no sense.”

He argues that we are in “absurd situation” in which we serve the economic interests of an industry that deals with removing the excess of weight and large pharmaceutical corporations in the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who are considered to be patients who need treatment.

Woman weighing herself on scales in health club

In the mentioned study is confirmed that a too high level of obesity is associated with increased mortality, but also explain the complexity of the situation when we take into account the lower levels of obesity or only increased the number of pounds. BMI is not a perfect measure of the weight; does not take into account any difference in gender, race, age or cardiopulmonary fitness level and other risk factors such as blood pressure, levels of fat and blood sugar and waist circumference.

It is known that the distribution of fat around our internal organs is much more dangerous than fat distribution in a way that people understand it. Furthermore, the authors note that doctors may perform more aggressive with treatment of the risk factors associated with obesity, and thus affect the statistics of mortality, particularly in a lower weight category. In addition, the increased weight and obesity of the first category are considered to be of diseases and in this way increases the number of patients, which may not taken into account in the calculation of the link between BMI and mortality.

One thing is certain: one size does not fit all. The relationship between weight and mortality is complex. For most people, normal weight is the healthiest, but in people of older age and those with spongiform encephalopathy, extra pounds can be beneficial.

Is There Something Like Ideal Weight?

For years we are listening that obesity and overweight are associated with serious medical conditions, including certain types of tumors, such as tumors of the breast, colon and prostate and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and abnormal blood lipid levels, as well as with heart disease, orthopedic impairments, disorders sleep and hypertension. Almost all researchers lead us to the fact that obesity and overweight, defined by body mass index (BMI), can significantly shorten life expectancy.


This week, however, there was a study that calls for a review of these assumptions and provoked a lot of discussion in public. Can the increased weight or perhaps even a certain level of obesity actually be protective and reduce mortality? For most of those who deals with obesity this assumption is surprising, absurd, or it seems like something that is contrary to common sense, it is no surprise that it was named “the paradox of obesity.”

Katherine M. Flegal from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention published the article with her colleagues in the Journal of the American Medical Association in which she systematically and rigorously presented an overview of almost a hundred other studies, including the combined samples of 2.88 million people and 270,000 deaths. The aim was to check whether overweight and obesity in all forms are connected with increased risk of death, in which we all believed all these years

Dr. Flegal and colleagues believe that the knowledge of “the relative risk of mortality” associated with different body weights, “can contribute to making better decisions in the Clinical environment.”

They noted that in the United States, for example, 42% of adult men and 32% of adult women, according to today’s standards of BMI-I have an increased body weight, while 36% of adults are considered obese. It is significant, however, that more than half of those in the group of obese are in the first category (a BMI from 30 to 34.9 kg / m2). In general, mortality statistics-weight follows the curve of the letter ‘U’, which means they are at risk those who are really below or above average. The thing that this group of scientists has discovered is that obesity from the first category is not associated with increased mortality and that, moreover, increased weight or BMI of 25-29.9 actually has a protective effect and significantly reduces mortality from various causes.

Online Marketing And Promotion

The best thing about online marketing is that this concept allows you to use a number of different methods and strategies for promotion of every kind of business. Of course, some of them a more complex and require more time and more, while others can be done very quickly. The best strategy would be the one that combines both approach and mix as many methods as possible. By combining different approaches, you are securing your business for all changes in the future. And we all know how quick rules in the online marketing can be changed. This is the reason why you have to secure your business and make your life easier.

Determine what your business goals are, and plan your campaign accordingly. Make sure to utilize the right content, engage with your customers online, stay active on the right social media platforms, give your followers something in return and schedule your posts to go live at the right time.

Beginners in the world of online marketing think that building a website and publishing a couple of great post is enough for the success. It is not their fault. In the old days, this strategy was effective. Just a few years ago, you can make a lot of money by publishing one affiliate website. It is all different now. The bar is raised and you must put a lot more effort if you want to earn some decent money. Creating and publishing websites is not enough anymore.

Besides great website, you must to promote it. As we said in the beginning, you can use different methods to improve your online business. We advise you to start with search engine optimization. It is the crucial thing if you want to attract more visitors to your business website.

The second very important thing is promotion on various social networks. They are almost ideal place for promotion. Make your business profiles on the major social platforms and take a part in the vibrant world of interactive communication.

Exercising And Omega- 3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil is now on the third place of the most commonly used supplements in the United States, immediately after vitamins and minerals. It is believed around 10% of the US population takes this supplement. A similar situation is with the rest of the world. Taking supplements has become commonplace for many of our citizens, and fish oil is increasingly used everywhere.

However, is fish oil real so healthy? Most of the clinical studies, at least 25 of them, which have been implemented in the last 10 years, except two, have not shown that taking fish oil reduces the frequency of formation of heart attack and stroke in the population that is at risk. Respondents were typically people who have already suffered a heart attack or stroke, or those who have had some of the most important risk factor for these diseases, such as increased cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes type 2 diabetes.

In theory, there are enough reasons why fish oil have a positive effect on our health. Most of these supplements are rich in two omega-3 fatty acids – EPA and DHA – which are known to have the effect of “thinning” the blood, similar to aspirin. Omega-3 fatty acid serves to reduce inflammatory reactions, and some of these supplements are used as medicaments for lowering high cholesterol levels.

However, it seems that these theory isn’t proven by the results of clinical studies.

On the other hand, some experts believe that all of the studies restricted to subjects who had some risk factors, and that did not take into account the impact of this supplement to other states and the emergence of other diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, depression …

While there is a large study that was conducted on 26,000 respondents with the aim to show whether fish oil has an impact on the prevention of and some other diseases.

So, there is no unified opinion that it is useful to take this, it’s pretty expensive, supplement. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that taking such supplements bring some benefit to the greatest number of clinical studies. Until we have more information, the decision is yours. Perhaps it is important to know that it was not proven that taking fish oil is harmful, and if we have some important health benefits, we don’t see why we shouldn’t try it.

Obesity And Exercising

For decades, we have been exposed to constant campaign that the main reason of the fact that we become more fatter is our lifestyle in which most of us are sitting, at work, at home and that we do not have enough physical activity. Is this correct?


The question is not whether physical activity is beneficial for you or not. It is unequivocally proven that physical activity brings numerous health benefits. However, the real question is how it truly affects whether you will lose weight or not.

A group of British experts published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine very interesting research. They are in their article noted that the different messages that can be heard regarding the role of diet and exercise in a healthy lifestyle have an impact various interest groups such as, primarily, the food industry.

They point out that, in their opinion, physical activity almost doesn’t affect losing weight. In doing so, they clearly differ physical activity and exercise. Physical activity consists of a series of unstructured activities such as walking or walking the dog, while the training involves planned, structured and repetitive activities, such as running, exercises with weights … Although in both cases calories are consumed, they believe that there are significant differences, and that physical activity almost does not help in the process of losing weight, while exercise has a certain influence. However, in the exercise, its intensity for most people is not sufficient to have a significant impact.

In their view, much more significant factor in weight loss is changing the diet and avoiding food full of sugar and unhealthy fats and turning the whole diet into the nutrition based on the fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, many studies emphasize training as a key factor in weight loss process.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between. If you decide to practice, but you do not change your diet, do not expect a miracle. Exercise will in any case have a positive impact on your health, but you will quickly become frustrated by how much did you lose, especially if you desire to lose weight was the main reason why you began to exercise in the first place. If you start with a diet but don’t exercise, you will not have any positive effects in the process of weight loss. IN fact, you will lose less fat and more muscle mass.

Exercising And Big Pauses

As some kind of the rule, certain things are constantly happening. No matter how much we exercise regularly, sooner or later, for some reasons, we’ll need to take a break. Skip a training for a day, and you repeat this with the next on, telling yourself that you’ll start to practice again from next Monday … Of course, a break of one or two days is welcome because we give your muscles a chance to recover in that way. But what happens when even after a week or two we don’t go to a gym? Are you cancelled everything that you have achieved in the past and starting from the beginning is all you have to do?

The general rule is that if you are in better shape, your muscles will need more time to come to the situation that is the result of inactivity, when your body gets the message that you are not practicing anymore and that there is no need to build muscles anymore. Of course, you will not feel a break of seven days, but some scientific studies have indicated that only 14 days of inactivity is enough to significantly reduce the level of physical fitness, muscle mass and insulin sensitivity. However, the total loss is around two months of inactivity.

How much do your current way of training affects how much more you will be in shape? This much depends on whether your workout is primarily focused on cardio or strength training. The explanation is simple – your muscles have two types of muscle fibers. Muscular fiber type I are slow fibers and they are responsible for your endurance, whereas type II muscle fibers are fast muscle fibers that are capable of rapid contraction, but not endurance.

Your daily activities, such as walking, speech … require more involvement of type I muscle fibers. On the other hand, type II muscle fibers to a small extent engage in everyday activities. Therefore, when you stop exercising will come before the atrophy of type II muscle fibers in relation to Type I, or before you lose the strength to lift weights, but to run 10 kilometers.

Finally, if you need a break from training? If you make a day or two breaks within your training program, it can be good for you. Even if a break in training is up to two weeks, you will not have significant consequences. However, any long break will have a significant effect on your athletic ability.

When you decide to return to training, it must be done gradually. The first week of your training should be lighter, so that your muscles are accustomed to the efforts which had previously been exposed.